Swedish Presidency uses IPv6 and DNSSEC

On July 1 Sweden starts as the presidency of the EU. The main site for the presidency is http://www.se2009.eu/. A new site will be presented on June 1 according to information on the web site.

The Czech Republic announced they are signing the website for their presidency with DNSSEC, and of course Sweden must do something as well.

Already earlier, the domainname (regeringen.se) for the government is signed with DNSSEC, so adding DNSSEC would be no problem if the parent zone (.EU) was using DNSSEC. They do not. But, the Swedish Government has http://www.eu2009.se, and that domain name is in .SE, and can be signed, and not only that, also available over IPv6.

I think it is excellent that the Swedish Government this way is showing that they are early, push for new technologies, and demonstrate they are not nervous over new things. Yes, many people, myself included, helped, but most of the work was done by people at Regeringskansliet. You know who you are. Thanks!

The Swedish Government even saw this so natural that they decided to not even issue a press release or anything. Of course one should use DNSSEC and IPv6 when possible. was the reaction I got when being in contact with staff. I must say that is a pretty good reaction. Now I only hope many people read this blog, and get to know about this, because I personally still think this is pretty cool.