Rumors that I do not like "Radio"

I hear rumors from the headquarters of SR being critical to DAB. I was also interviewed by IDG in Sweden.

Let me make this clear, I do not dislike radio. I like radio a lot. I listen to radio. Radio Kristianstad mostly, but also P1 and alice@97.3 (i San Francisco).

What I am concerned about is that we together in Sweden spend too much money and effort on what was radio in 1995, and not what is radio 2005, or 2015 (or 2025). We today have not only competition between radio stations and production companies. We also start to have global reach for radio all over the planet (with the help of distribution over the Internet). And we have non direct broadcast in the form of Podcasts.

We have to start asking each other what radio is. Is Spotify radio? Is it radio as soon as someone play music or talk with someone else? Does it have to be broadcast? To how many listeners? What is telephony and what is radio? Of course many of these examples are completely out of the blue and the answers are of course that not everything of this is Radio, but…

I do not know what Radio is. But what I do think is that we have not talked enough of what it is, what infrastructure is needed (if any). Today, we also saw the bill on public service in Sweden be presented. Good stuff, but, it only talks about now, and not so much about the future, for natural reasons.