SAS can survive

I was flying SAS today, and once again I have the feeling that SAS is close, but still quite a bit from perfect.

An example, they informed clearly with signs and later with voice that the boarding was to be in sections. Fair, many if not most airlines already do this. Less queuing at the gate before boarding and faster boarding.

Not here. They initiated a rule that they first board rows 14 and higher. I sat down waiting for row 7 to be called I had a seat on.

It never came. Other people beside me started asking for it as well. Nothing. At last I found I had to board as I was the last person in the gate area.

What was wrong here? I think three things. First, I do believe they have promised Star Alliance Gold travellers to board first, like any member of the alliance. And priority of course also for children etc. Second fault to never say rows 1 to 13 could board. Third, to let people break the rule.

Should I have waited? Will I wait next time?

Another big problem is security check at CPH that is for SAS only. At other airports it is for Star Alliance Gold. Travelling as a Gold card holder, with a non-SAS ticket? Not allowed to go there.

SAS was also unlucky today as the gate arrival electronics was broken, so we had to wait 10 min for a marshall….

But over all SAS is better now, and with small changes it can be really good again. And maybe take up CPH - SFO instead of the now closed CPH - SEA?