Internet Access at UN meeting is limited
At the Internet Governance Forum MAG meeting today, I heard people start complaining they can not access their chat service, and then email, and then VPN server at home. I did not have any problems, but that was (as I now know) because my VPN came up.
I used the brilliant software Netalyzr, and found that various ports where blocked for outgoing traffic even. Although it is explicitly requested that specifically this meeting should have all access open.

You can see the full log of the Netalyzr session here.
I think this is simply one more example of someone not knowing what they do. In some IT department disconnected from the main process in the organisation they work. They try to do their best. They make the wrong decisions, and it has great impact on the work done.
In this case UN discussions on use of IT tools, multistakeholder discussions, remote participation (!) and various other things.